North London Singers
feat. Enfield Film Chorus
About us

North London Singers - NLS - was founded in 2011 and Enfield Film Chorus - EFC - in 2021, both by Claire and Martyn Stogden.
NLS has performed a wide variety of music in venues as varied as The Royal Hospital Chelsea, Enfield's Dugdale Theatre and churches and retirement homes throughout North London. We have performed on our own and have featured in orchestral and brass band concerts arranged by Four Hills Music.
As the name suggests, EFC sings film music with Enfield Film Orchestra. Our repertoire so far has included 1492: Conquest Of Paradise; Unchained Melody; Gladiator, Star Trek and Moon River. We perform annually to a sell-out audience at Chickenshed Theatre in Southgate.
Currently we number nearly 60 singers in soprano, alto, tenor and bass sections. We have singers who can read music and singers who can't.
We are a very friendly and often excitable bunch, and we try our voices
at most styles of music. We sing in 2, 3 or 4 part harmony, although there is no requirement to be able to read music. The emphasis is on fun and learning and striving to be the best we can be.
We don’t take ourselves too
seriously (well, maybe a bit):
there are no auditions to join,
just an enthusiasm to be part
of a happy throng of song!

Musical Director, Claire, says "My passion is
to bring together the more experienced singer and the newcomer, the confident and the slightly reluctant, and teach them the art of harmony and performance. It's not about belting out numbers; it's a blend of different sounds. We will always be a work in progress.... but we have fun doing it."

NLS meet on Tuesday mornings, 10.15am - 12 noon in the auditorium at Enfield Baptist Church (EBC), Cecil Road, Enfield EN2 6TG.
It's a big building, but don't worry about getting lost. Ask for North London Singers at the Welcome Desk when you arrive.
EFC meets on Friday evenings at Oakwood Baptist Church, Merrivale, London N14 4TE from 8pm until 9.30pm.
Members of EFC and members of NLS have the opportunity to attend either or both sessions (Tuesdays and Fridays) - double the coaching, double the fun!